Images and inspiration comes from all sources.This page is about the sketchbooks, journals and source material.



Primitives and outsiders.....  

 Iain Bank's Wasp factory really encapsulates, for me, the beauty and discomfort of a private obsessive world. It is the secret and the miniscule. Gaston Bachelard describes a 'narrow gate' that leads us to an entire other world. "An aesthetic of hidden things.."

It is not only the hidden world but also the Surrealist-DaDa tradition of combining seemingly disparate objects and the beauty of a contained display of strange objects that appeals to me.

Somewhere inbetween the raw substance of HC Westermann, the instinctive touch of Bill Traylor and the elegant poetry off Joseph Cornell, is a language of putting things together. Creating a narrative not only with the images but also the material.

My art is influenced by what is loosely described as Outsider art. The definitions of this splintered field have come to include  folk art, naive art as well as schizophrenic art, and  visionary self taught art. For purists though the term  'Outsider' should refer to the real marginal, maverick, untainted or eccentric artist, as such this art really is a  product of a personal , and sometimes a delicately private and painful  world. 

The Surrealists and Da-Daists set the modernist  agenda for cultural appropriation, now mainstream  curators include folk art or self taught artists such as Cheri Bamba and Howard Finster in exhibitions and the definition has become  blurred. The market for 'Raw' art is growing, as testified  by the large art fairs devoted to the field, as seen in  Raw Vision. 


  ON the road to Alencon the cheerful figures in Fernand Chatelains's garden greet the unsuspecting passerby.....After one trip to Ste Suzzanne I resolved to revisit the old garden and take some photographs. I didn't really know how to 'use' these images. Some time later I did a series of water colours based on the idea of a primitive garden. Brut walls and denizen fences. See animal fences

Le Jardin Humouristique

the owl house


It was at least 12 years later when I was reminded of this while visiting the Owl house in Nieu Bethesda. The place has such a presence that interpretation seems out of place although the place is featured by more and more photographers such as the excellent book "The Owl House"by Anne Emslie with photographs by Roy Zetisky . I should have done some drawings but relied on the old camera again....Water colours? Maybe not, however I could imagine one of the 'rooms' of the museum of memories as a Helen Martin's glass encrusted bedroom. Meanwhile I continue to document objects and places that intrigue me , such as strange shop windows, weathered signs and decaying farm houses of the Ottawa Valley. See Photographic Sketchbook   


Scrap books are filled with street fragments, old postcards and images from old childrens encyclopaedias collected from charity shops. See Scrapbook


Napoli card jpg

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